Friday 24 December 2010

In a New York minute...

There's a song by The Eagles that goes "In a New York minute, everything can change..."

That pretty much describes the moment in the car, with my mum, when I suddenly decided that acting wasn't for me and I wanted to do something else. After a major freakout, having wanted to act since I played Cinderella in Year 2, I decided Events Management was for me.

I was even more sure of this when in New York walking down Broadway and not wishing I was performing. Instead, I was wishing we hadn't agreed to go out with the hostel. The group were all male (except for two girls who I think must have got off the subway on route and gone back) and included one charming man who turned out to be homophobic, sexist and racist... nice.

I spent the summer gaining work experience. I volunteered for Tmesis Theatre Company and worked at a major music festival. In September I began looking for a job. I'd been thinking for a while that I would like to work for a charity and I'd heard that internships at charities are usually worthwhile (not just tea making). I saw an advertisement for a Running Events Executive in Glasgow for Oxfam and applied hoping that I'd get an interview. I didn't think I'd get the internship as I knew the voluntary sector is extremely competitive - after my interview I went and got a manicure so at least I'd have nice nails for when I received the "thanks, but no thanks" email.

But I got it and I couldn't be happier. In the last 3 months I've learnt so much and I'm beginning to think that Events Marketing (particularly charity and sport based) is where I'm headed. I have gone to running events all over Scotland, I've written a marketing plan, I can do a SWOT analysis, I get to work with two other interns who are just fab (we help each other and both are always up for a chat = take note intern2 Notes From the Intern) and best of all I know I'm helping people while furthering my career.

I can't say that all internships with all charities will be as beneficial as mine's turning out to be but if you're interested then have a look at these sites.

Third Sector
Guardian Voluntary Sector Network
Charity Job
Oxfam Internships

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