So there are 6 weeks left until the Edinburgh Marathon Festival and the end of my placement.
I've registered with a few vacancy sites that are relevant to the Third Sector and have cast my net a bit wider by registering for updates on marketing and events jobs in general. One of such sites is the Guardian Jobs website and thanks to their newsletter I found out about the #TwitterJobChallenge.
You can read their explanation of the challenge here but it basically amounts to tweeting 5 companies you would really like to work for and seeing if you get a job out of it. I've been following the feed today and have seen a few different examples of this in action. Including an offer for those taking part in the challenge to get in touch with someone whose team will be recruiting soon. I tweeted them straight away and have been asked to email my C.V. So far I am loving the #TwitterJobChallenge.
I'm going to begin the challenge in earnest tomorrow as it's currently 10pm in the U.K and if I tweet a company now my tweet will disappear down their feed by the morning. I also need time to decide who I am going to tweet as there are a number of charities, pr/events/marketing companies and sporting bodies who I would love to work for. To stick to the rules of the challenge I can only tweet 5 and I think I've already used up one.
As I love social media I am very excited about taking part in this tomorrow. In the mean time I'm off to finish a job application.
If you want to join in but don't know how to use Twitter check out Socially Good's guides to Twitter.
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